7 Health Benefits of Soaking in a Hot Tub


There are some benefits of using the hot tub that we’re all aware of: it’s relaxing, it feels great after skiing, and on somewhat less frequent occasions, it transports us back to the 80’s so that hilarity may ensue.

What you may not know is that soaking in the hot tub can have several other positive effects on our bodies and overall health. Below are just some of the benefits of soaking in the hot tubthat you might not be aware of.

1. Improves sleep

Have you ever noticed how quickly you tend to fall asleep after taking a late night bath or a dip in the hot tub?

When your body is cold, your normal sleeping pattern can be disturbed. When your body is comfortably warm, you tend to fall asleep quicker and rest through the night with fewer disruptions.

It is widely accepted that getting quality, REM sleep has a multitude of positive effects on just about everything – from your mood to your mental alertness and even the way your body metabolizes food.

To improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep, try spending some time in the hot tub before getting into bed.

2. Reduces stress and anxiety

Along with making you feel temporarily relaxed, studies show that the combination of the hot water, the massage of the jets, and the feeling of weightlessness can significantly reduce both mental and physical stress and decrease anxiety.

Experts note that when you’re not feeling physically and mentally stressed, you’re less likely scowl at neighborhood teenagers, which means you’re less likely to get teepee’d in the middle of the night.

Don’t get teepee’d – get in the hot tub!

3. Reduces arthritic and chronic pain

For people suffering from skeletal ailments such as arthritis, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and other types of bodily aches and pains, spending time in the hot tub will typically provide some much-needed relief.

Due to the buoyancy from the bubbles created by the tub’s jets, we feel our own weight disappear, our blood circulation increases with the heat, the tightness in our muscles relaxes, and inflammation in our sensitive joints is reduced.

In this state, an aching body can experience heightened flexibility, strength, and a wider range of physical motion. It’s no wonder so many people see significant benefits from hydrotherapy when recovering from back, knee, or other joint problems.

4. Lowers blood sugar

While further studies are still recommended, initial research indicates that spending time in the hot tub may actually lower the blood sugar level of people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

In one study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, subjects with type 2 diabetes spent a half hour, six days per week for three weeks submerged to the shoulder in a hot tub. By the end of the three weeks, the subjects saw an average drop in blood glucose (BG) levels from 182 mg/dl to 159 mg/dl.

Essentially, the hot temperatures in the tub simulate some of the effects of physical exercise – which has proven to be an effective form of treatment for sufferers of type 2 diabetes.

5. Lowers blood pressure

In addition to lowering levels of your blood sugar, relaxing in the hot tub can also lower your blood pressure.

When you get in the tub and the temperature is hot, your heart works harder and faster so that your body can disperse excess heat. In the process, your increased blood flow is producing extra oxygen and your cells are being revitalized. While there may be an initial uptick in blood pressure, your increased warmth will cause cells to dilate, decreasing resistance against the heart and lowering your overall blood pressure.

It should be noted that those with high blood pressure should avoid going back and forth between the hot tub and the pool, as this may increase blood pressure.

6. Promotes Healthier, Younger Looking Skin

If you’re pondering ways to get your skin looking its best, soaking in the hot tub might not be the first strategy that comes to mind – unless it’s a hot tub filled with Neutrogena.

[NOTE: Do not soak in hot tubs filled with Neutrogena]

What you may not have considered is that some of the effects of using the hot tub have a direct influence on the health and appearance of your skin.

As mentioned above, regular use of a hot tub has shown to lower levels of stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are leading causes of premature aging, which means the hot tub can be a tool to help combat premature aging.

Furthermore, when you’re experiencing increased circulation in the hot tub, that means your blood is more efficiently delivering vital oxygen and nutrients to your skin – giving you a healthy, youthful glow.

7. Decreases Frequency of Migraines and Tension Headaches

When you suffer from chronic headaches, like migraines, there simply aren’t a ton of treatment options, so relief is a hard thing to come by. Fortunately, there is some evidence to suggest that regular dips in the hot tub may in fact help to prevent certain types of headaches.

How can sitting in a hot tub possibly help with headaches? Well, consider some of the more common triggers of headache, like tension.

Migraine sufferers often report experience tension headaches right before the migraine. In the hot tub, you’re muscles aren’t contracted, your aches and pains subside, and you feel overall more relaxed – thus decreasing the chance of experience a tension-triggered migraine.

Also, sufferers of sinus and cluster headaches experience episodes when they’re stuffed up; spending time in the steamy hot tub – along with using nose drops and drinking fluids – is a good way to fight congestion and prevent these types of headaches.

Are water parks dirty?


When temperatures soar, tens of thousands of Americans push through the turnstiles at water parks across the country, seeking to cool off at a corkscrewing waterslide or a thundering wave pool. But just how safe is that water they’re splashing in? 

The first water park in the nation opened in Florida in 1977. By 2006, 78 million people in North America (the U.S., Canada and Mexico) had visited a water park. But in the 33 years that water parks have been operating, there has been little governmental oversight. Many states have no specific laws or regulatory agencies governing water quality in water parks.

In 1998, an outbreak of E. coli at White Water Park near Atlanta resulted in illness for 26 children aged 12 and under, seven hospitalizations for kidney failure, and the death of one child. According to the Center for Disease Control, this tragedy marked an increase in national awareness of the importance of recreational water quality. As for the park itself, it installed automated testing systems throughout and increased chlorine levels from the recommended 2 parts per million to 3.5. 

According to the Center for Disease Control, Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs) traced to water parks, swimming pools and water play areas can be caused by a single person with diarrhea who contaminates the entire swimming area. When a swimmer swallows water in a water feature that has been contaminated with E. coli bacteria, the result can be serious and even deadly.

Of course, water parks have a vested interest in maintaining clean water. One outbreak of bacteria-borne disease can cut attendance dramatically and permanently tarnish a reputation. But in many states there’s no government agency making sure that water parks are providing clean water — so it’s up to consumers to be proactive, to check with local water parks as to what kind of systems they use, and to verify how often the water is tested.

Health Benefits of Hot Tub Hydrotherapy

What happens to your body when you have a soak in a hot tub?

Hydrotherapy using hot water will clear your body of toxins through sweating. Bathing yourself in warm water will cause your body to sweat more than usual, which is your system’s main way of getting rid of waste and toxins out of the body. A detox session in a hot tub will make you feel cleansed and boost your energy, while renewing and refreshing.

The pleasurable feeling of submerging your body in water helps loosen tense, tight muscles and encourages relaxation. No pressure is put on your muscles and joints while in water, which helps your entire body to relax. Hydrotherapy jets found in hot tubs will massage your muscle tissue, which gives you a restful and calming sensation.

Pain Reliefuntitled-design-2
If you are suffering from pain related to arthritis, aching joints and stiffness, Hydrotherapy can make you feel much better. Raised body temperature, buoyancy and the massaging sensation of Hydrotherapy jets will target the causes of these pains, creating relief and relaxation.

untitled-designStress Relief
Stress is a modern epidemic, and it can lead to further illnesses through the knock-on effect it has on your physical state. Hot tubs help blood vessels dilate and encourage blood to flow through your body, giving it a renewed feeling. This will help with sensations connected to stress, as well as lead to better sleep.

Health Boostuntitled-design-3
If you are feeling a little tired, under the weather or out of sorts, Hydrotherapy gives you several health benefits which will give you a healthy boost, both physically and mentally. Your stimulated blood supply will help improve the function of your internal organs and help your immune system. It also clears out your skin, hydrates cells and increases your metabolic rate.

Benefits of Sitting in a Jacuzzi

health-benefits-of-hot-tubsA Jacuzzi is more than a luxurious accessory for your home. Sitting in a Jacuzzi for a period of time has a number of benefits, both physical and mental. In fact, Jacuzzi’s can be used to help people with osteoporosis, as the buoyancy obtained in a Jacuzzi, along with light exercise performed underwater, can increase mobility and strength. Make certain to follow all cautions, as high water temperatures can pose health risks for certain individuals.

Reduce Stress
A Jacuzzi can be a good place in which to relax with family and friends. You can spend time together sipping a drink or simply having a chat. The bubbling of the Jacuzzi is particularly soothing and will help you relax not only mentally but also physically. You can use your time in a Jacuzzi to get a reflexology massage by placing your feet directly in front of the water jets. Your feet contain thousands of nerve endings, and their stimulation can improve your overall well-being and mood.

Ease Muscle Pain
A Jacuzzi can be an effective way to treat sore muscles and joints. The water jets inside the tub allow for a high-pressure hydro massage that you direct to specific parts of your body simply by moving around and adjusting your body to receive the full force of the water. When running at full intensity, the jets can provide something akin to a deep-tissue massage, soothing aches and pains. Sitting in a Jacuzzi can help heal sports injuries, as the heat can soothe muscle spasms and speed up recovery time.

Improve Circulation
The hot water and bubbling of a Jacuzzi will cause body temperature to rise, which in turn will dilate blood vessels. This improves circulation, especially to the extremities, and can help people with arthritis have better movement and less pain in their joints. A soak in a Jacuzzi can leave you feeling invigorated and improve the health of your lungs and heart.